Videos about GuiTestSuite

This page contains videos about GuiTestSuite. The videos explain how GuiTestSuite works and give insight into the latest features.


The following short video introduces GuiTestSuite. It's intended to show the outstanding performance of our framework.

Auto Mode Part 1

GuiTestSuite Auto Mode is an automatic way of testing your applications. In this video the basic functionality is shown.

Auto Mode Part 2

GuiTestSuite Auto Mode is basically a robustness test. If you want to enhance this fuzzing you can create overlay specifications that lead to functional testing.


Automatic generation of input for the widgets of your application is a powerful feature. But the generated strings are most of the time cryptic. If you want to improve the effectiveness of your tests by only allowing specific words or phrases for text widgets you can utilize dictionaries. These are introduced in this video.

Image capturing/comparison

The visual appearance of custom widgets must be controlled for correctness. This is possible with the image capturing and comparison functionality of GuiTestSuite.


This video should serve as a short hands-on video of GuiTestSuite. Here you can see how you can create a project and use the code coverage analysis functionality of GuiTestSuite. This is shown for both record and replay and auto mode.